So life is wierd at the moment.
I'm just getting back into the whole school thing, and the politics of the department are fucking driving me crazy. Now that I am no longer the new guy, I am officially able to see through all the bullshit that everyone puts up as a front in order to survive in the highly incestual scene that is the upstate New York art world...
I figured I would update you with my life:
I've had a wierd break. I left New York after only being here for three months to got to Texas for the last time ever (my parents are out of that state in about six months). I had just gotten accepted into my first two shows in the state, one was a month long exhibition, the other is a year long show in Albany. I ended the semester with a big boost to my artistic ego, only to return to the state and question why the fuck I am doing any of it...
Now I find myself wondering what exactly it means to be part of the first completely digital generation (as in had access to computers, video games, AND TV our entire lives), and how the fuck to be an artist when there are millions of fucking images everywhere I look...
Part of me is debating doing a series where I video tape myself burning every image I can get my fucking hands on. Just walking through the city with lighter fluid, and a match... Using a sling shot to break the lights in time square (yea right), and just fucking offering this world some silence,
for a second
anyway that's my rant.
I find myself in this wierd transitional phase.
so did anyone notice that the new "message" option is directly above the "destroy friendship" option in our profiles? We could be wanting to send a message to someone, and accidently terminate the friendship,
all it would take would be one accidentlal click.
talk about bad fucking design
I'm just getting back into the whole school thing, and the politics of the department are fucking driving me crazy. Now that I am no longer the new guy, I am officially able to see through all the bullshit that everyone puts up as a front in order to survive in the highly incestual scene that is the upstate New York art world...

I figured I would update you with my life:
I've had a wierd break. I left New York after only being here for three months to got to Texas for the last time ever (my parents are out of that state in about six months). I had just gotten accepted into my first two shows in the state, one was a month long exhibition, the other is a year long show in Albany. I ended the semester with a big boost to my artistic ego, only to return to the state and question why the fuck I am doing any of it...
Now I find myself wondering what exactly it means to be part of the first completely digital generation (as in had access to computers, video games, AND TV our entire lives), and how the fuck to be an artist when there are millions of fucking images everywhere I look...
Part of me is debating doing a series where I video tape myself burning every image I can get my fucking hands on. Just walking through the city with lighter fluid, and a match... Using a sling shot to break the lights in time square (yea right), and just fucking offering this world some silence,
for a second
anyway that's my rant.
I find myself in this wierd transitional phase.
so did anyone notice that the new "message" option is directly above the "destroy friendship" option in our profiles? We could be wanting to send a message to someone, and accidently terminate the friendship,
all it would take would be one accidentlal click.
talk about bad fucking design
I don't know if that makes sense....I haven't eaten any food since Friday and I have been a barfing machine. I don't want anything but grapefruit juice