I love it when people call me a DICK,
and then expect me to somehow give them ground...
I'm no bully,
or atleast I don't try to be. But I think that challenging people is a important part of the day to day existance of the current Amerikan.
Why? Because most of us approach life from a possition that has never been challenged.
In all honesty it is the dicks that have taught me the most about myself. All those motherfuckers that pushed me so much that I refused to give up, and refused to be a loser, and just decided i would stand by what I believe in. So when someone calls me a dick, simply because I make them think a little bit, all I can say is fuck that. The real dicks beat your fucking ass to a bloody pulp. They rape you after giving you a drug in your beer, or point the finger at you when they're in trouble with the law. They're not someone that challenges your bullshit hypothesis on how life should be lived, or what the current politcial climate is all about... But if that's your definition of a DICK, then well, I wish I lived such a sheltered life...
Needless to say though, if you think that someone calling you out on your own bullshit amounts to them being a dick, then I am glad to be that dick, becuase it is pretty clear you have never dealt with a real one... Maybe I can help you grow with out the physical pain that comes from meeting someone that may actually fit that definition...
On a side note though, I am ready to go down to see my Ma, and my Pa. This town has proven to be difficult to adapt too for me. It's small, and I forgot (even after spending 19 years in one) what a small town is like. Mogwa and I kind of stepped on a few of the local pig's toes a while back, and it has cost us quite a bit of money (literally). We have been getting a lot of small, minor traffic violations ever since. Guess I'm learning how to deal with a big blue dick wth a badge....
Can't wait for the week off.
and then expect me to somehow give them ground...
I'm no bully,
or atleast I don't try to be. But I think that challenging people is a important part of the day to day existance of the current Amerikan.
Why? Because most of us approach life from a possition that has never been challenged.
In all honesty it is the dicks that have taught me the most about myself. All those motherfuckers that pushed me so much that I refused to give up, and refused to be a loser, and just decided i would stand by what I believe in. So when someone calls me a dick, simply because I make them think a little bit, all I can say is fuck that. The real dicks beat your fucking ass to a bloody pulp. They rape you after giving you a drug in your beer, or point the finger at you when they're in trouble with the law. They're not someone that challenges your bullshit hypothesis on how life should be lived, or what the current politcial climate is all about... But if that's your definition of a DICK, then well, I wish I lived such a sheltered life...
Needless to say though, if you think that someone calling you out on your own bullshit amounts to them being a dick, then I am glad to be that dick, becuase it is pretty clear you have never dealt with a real one... Maybe I can help you grow with out the physical pain that comes from meeting someone that may actually fit that definition...
On a side note though, I am ready to go down to see my Ma, and my Pa. This town has proven to be difficult to adapt too for me. It's small, and I forgot (even after spending 19 years in one) what a small town is like. Mogwa and I kind of stepped on a few of the local pig's toes a while back, and it has cost us quite a bit of money (literally). We have been getting a lot of small, minor traffic violations ever since. Guess I'm learning how to deal with a big blue dick wth a badge....
Can't wait for the week off.

i love you guys too. you rock so much. i actually believe that you would fly here to kick some ass, just because i know you pretty well, i think.
i just got a (newish?) deftones album called B-sides and Rarities, SO GOOD.
and i just got (i know its way old obioudly) the Nirvana unplugged album and it rules.
also if you havent checked out the Spectacle they have a new album now....
i love being music nerds with you.