Oh how I love science.
I love how over the last one hundred years science has attempted to circumvent the natural world. Assuming somehow that our knowledge as modern day humans can somehow out do the natural world.
What I love the most though? That science has progressed so far in the last twenty years that there are thousands of scientists that are sayingL "Ooops, we were wrong, let your body do it's thing, let your body be human."
As if we wouldn't have fucking survived for four million years without science there to guide us?
So why the rant you ask???
I was talking to my sister over the Thanksgiving about what is going on at Harvard Medical at the moment. One of her Prof's is currently engaged in research that deals with a hypothesis known as the "Over Hygiene Hypothesis". See it turns out that scientists finally figured out that by washing our bodies EVERY FUCKING CHANCE WE GET, that it might actually be REALLY BAD FOR US.
I think it's fucking funny personally.
See it turns out that every time you use anti-bacterial soap you destroy all the bacteria on your hands that fight of the negative viruses, and bacteria that attack your immune system. You also ingest it with almost every meal ("Kid's don't forget to wash your hands before dinner..."). This kills the bacterial cultures in your stomach that prevent infections and so on.
It turns out that there is actuall evidence that the more anti-bacterial soap you use, the more likely you are to contract some kind of Auto Immune disorder, like Mono, or AIDS, and that to boot you are also a million times more likely to catch every fucking cold that the people around you have.
It's funny to me really. How our obsession with clean is actually hurting us.
Anyway off to wash of my protective layer of bacteria before I go to class (it's been a few days...)
I love how over the last one hundred years science has attempted to circumvent the natural world. Assuming somehow that our knowledge as modern day humans can somehow out do the natural world.
What I love the most though? That science has progressed so far in the last twenty years that there are thousands of scientists that are sayingL "Ooops, we were wrong, let your body do it's thing, let your body be human."
As if we wouldn't have fucking survived for four million years without science there to guide us?
So why the rant you ask???
I was talking to my sister over the Thanksgiving about what is going on at Harvard Medical at the moment. One of her Prof's is currently engaged in research that deals with a hypothesis known as the "Over Hygiene Hypothesis". See it turns out that scientists finally figured out that by washing our bodies EVERY FUCKING CHANCE WE GET, that it might actually be REALLY BAD FOR US.
I think it's fucking funny personally.
See it turns out that every time you use anti-bacterial soap you destroy all the bacteria on your hands that fight of the negative viruses, and bacteria that attack your immune system. You also ingest it with almost every meal ("Kid's don't forget to wash your hands before dinner..."). This kills the bacterial cultures in your stomach that prevent infections and so on.
It turns out that there is actuall evidence that the more anti-bacterial soap you use, the more likely you are to contract some kind of Auto Immune disorder, like Mono, or AIDS, and that to boot you are also a million times more likely to catch every fucking cold that the people around you have.
It's funny to me really. How our obsession with clean is actually hurting us.
Anyway off to wash of my protective layer of bacteria before I go to class (it's been a few days...)
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