Wow has it been a while since I bothered with this blog, not like anyone reads it anyway. Well let me go ahead and make an update.
I'm back in school. I received my AA in history but frankly there is little point in going any farther than that, no money in history
so I am going back to get my AS in geology and then off to the university to get my BS and maybe even MS. There is a future and good living in the sciences and its a subject I love and feel a growing need to defend in this world of fading knowledge.
On the work front I am growing to hate the gym I teach and train at. The people are nice and the coaches are good people but the owners have fucked me so many times now that I swear I should be bleeding. Its a rock and a hard place for me. Either I quit and have wasted the last year or I hang in there and hope things get better.
The farm is my only refuge. I'm building an aquaponic greenhouse out of mostly recycled materials, I just got my hands on a 6000 gallon water tank that will be used to collect rain and I am doing a massive overhual of my paddoc system. The food forest looked great this year but I need to do a lot more planting next spring.
I'm back in school. I received my AA in history but frankly there is little point in going any farther than that, no money in history

On the work front I am growing to hate the gym I teach and train at. The people are nice and the coaches are good people but the owners have fucked me so many times now that I swear I should be bleeding. Its a rock and a hard place for me. Either I quit and have wasted the last year or I hang in there and hope things get better.
The farm is my only refuge. I'm building an aquaponic greenhouse out of mostly recycled materials, I just got my hands on a 6000 gallon water tank that will be used to collect rain and I am doing a massive overhual of my paddoc system. The food forest looked great this year but I need to do a lot more planting next spring.