Hell of a night at Adrenaline tonight. I had my jiu jitsu classes. 1 1/2 no gi and an hour of gi. You know that kind of sore where your abs hurt from breathing? Ya thats me
Everyone I role with is polite and really damned good. Every class I've taken here I have been pleased with and really couldn't be happier with this arrangement.
Now for a few random thoughts of the evening;
"Pretty good night. Only disloc...ated my knee twice." "Wait why is that good?"
"Damn you bullshido! All those "its not gay as long as you don't make eye contact" jokes were running through my head all night!"
"Wait where is my arm again?"
"This cup is really uncomfortable but not nearly as uncomfortable as an elbow in the boys."
"Why are you making my try to triangle a guy when he doesn't even have a neck?!"
There's a peak in my head enjoy
In other news the job hunt continues but I've got high hopes at the moment. My trip to Kern is only days away now and I cannot wait! I've never been rafting before. Lastly the CST/Limalama class is beginning June 4th and its getting a very good response so far.

Now for a few random thoughts of the evening;
"Pretty good night. Only disloc...ated my knee twice." "Wait why is that good?"
"Damn you bullshido! All those "its not gay as long as you don't make eye contact" jokes were running through my head all night!"
"Wait where is my arm again?"
"This cup is really uncomfortable but not nearly as uncomfortable as an elbow in the boys."
"Why are you making my try to triangle a guy when he doesn't even have a neck?!"
There's a peak in my head enjoy

In other news the job hunt continues but I've got high hopes at the moment. My trip to Kern is only days away now and I cannot wait! I've never been rafting before. Lastly the CST/Limalama class is beginning June 4th and its getting a very good response so far.