Not much happening on the girlfriend front. I really feel lame I don't even know where to go to meet women anymore. Maybe I should hold auditions
Still I figure think will workout if I keep myself open to the possibilitie of meeting someone new.
On the fitness front my foot is about ready to get back into running and I am down to 210lbs. Thats a 5lbs drop in the last month. Pretty please about that and I am now only 15lbs from my goal for this year. Its also a 5 year low in my weight. I couldn't be happier about that.
On the work front things are still a bit more troublesome. Work at Antix is going great, I just wish I could manage another night there. Really need the money. The community center is giving me a migrain. They people there are great. The director is an excellent guy and his staff are good people but the organization there is a nightmare. No one communicates with anyone else and just trying to get my classes going is miserable. Im about ready to pull out of there entirely but I'd need to find another place to teach out of first.

On the fitness front my foot is about ready to get back into running and I am down to 210lbs. Thats a 5lbs drop in the last month. Pretty please about that and I am now only 15lbs from my goal for this year. Its also a 5 year low in my weight. I couldn't be happier about that.
On the work front things are still a bit more troublesome. Work at Antix is going great, I just wish I could manage another night there. Really need the money. The community center is giving me a migrain. They people there are great. The director is an excellent guy and his staff are good people but the organization there is a nightmare. No one communicates with anyone else and just trying to get my classes going is miserable. Im about ready to pull out of there entirely but I'd need to find another place to teach out of first.