Well folks I am back from my CST certification seminar. I completed 25 hours of highly taxing physical and neurological training in the last 3 days and I am exhausted. The is not a muscle in my body that is not sore and worked harder than it has ever been before. This certification was the single most difficult thing I have done in my entire life. Everyday I thought I was going to quit, throw up or just drop dead but somehow I just kept going. I pushed myself to the very edge of my ability and managed to never drop over the side. I feel great about all this and I think this weekend may be the most important of my life. I will not know if I passed for a few weeks still but no matter what I am richer for this experience (and I feel pretty damned good about how I did too). I have so many new ideas to work with and so much to absorb from the seminar. Now I just need to rest, relaxe and recover from this trial. I should be experiencing a nasty hormonal dump in the next 3 to 5 days that will cause an ugly crash. I may get a flu or just be out for 18 hour or so. Hard to tell but after that life will go on and I will be much better off for this experience. 

Why do you have to wait so long to find out if you passed?