Training is going well. I'm running up on the end of my TPH in August. I'm up to level 3 on FlowFit, Doing all 5 of the series A prasara yoga flows and doing about 100 reps over the Trial By Fire for a total of 500 repetitions. I'm feeling good and more confident about instructor certification.
On the home front the garden is looking good. I've got some tomatos starting to form and my melons and squash are looking great. The orchard is looking good so far and I expect a nice fruit harvest this year. My barry patch is just exploding. I'm picking barries daily. Black Berry, Raspberry (red and gold), Boysen Berry and Strawberry. I'm also getting blue berries, black raspberries and currents. Plus a bunch of wild berries that are germinating right now. Busy busy busy.
I also have a goat for sale. One of my new girls she will be old enough to go to a new home in about 2 months. If anyone is interested in getting their own Nigerian Dwarf Dairy goat hit me up. I'm hoping to get $150 for her.

On the home front the garden is looking good. I've got some tomatos starting to form and my melons and squash are looking great. The orchard is looking good so far and I expect a nice fruit harvest this year. My barry patch is just exploding. I'm picking barries daily. Black Berry, Raspberry (red and gold), Boysen Berry and Strawberry. I'm also getting blue berries, black raspberries and currents. Plus a bunch of wild berries that are germinating right now. Busy busy busy.
I also have a goat for sale. One of my new girls she will be old enough to go to a new home in about 2 months. If anyone is interested in getting their own Nigerian Dwarf Dairy goat hit me up. I'm hoping to get $150 for her.

yay for that! and yay for yoga. and yay for that insanely cute baby goat.