Well Bee hive is almost done and I got some planting done today. I hope to get most of my seeds in the ground saturday. Wow am I behind! With any luck I will have my bee hive done very soon too. Most of the components are finished but I need to assemble everything. My goat Gaby is due in early May and I am hoping for two kids but she is ofly small and I suspect she's only going to have one. In other news my barefoot running is really moving along. Yesterday for the first time I ran two miles barefoot. I kept the same steady pace and moved along really well. I haven't ran that far in over a year and I certainly haven't run that far barefoot! I bet I could have done another mile or two as well!
More Blogs
Friday Aug 31, 2012
Wow has it been a while since I bothered with this blog, not like any… -
Tuesday Jan 03, 2012
Well there are some ups and downs folks. I sprained my right knee (fo… -
Tuesday Dec 06, 2011
Well I've been a bad blogger. So lets pop a new one up shall we? … -
Friday Aug 26, 2011
Well its been a while hasnt it? Frankly I've been to busy doing nothi… -
Tuesday May 24, 2011
Hell of a night at Adrenaline tonight. I had my jiu jitsu classes. 1 … -
Saturday May 07, 2011
Having some setbacks in my business venture so I am taking a new cour… -
Tuesday Apr 12, 2011
Not much happening on the girlfriend front. I really feel lame I don'… -
Sunday Mar 27, 2011
Owww! I've been dealing with some real nasty kidney stones for the la… -
Saturday Mar 19, 2011
Classes at Antix Fitness are going great, my last class was full! My … -
Wednesday Feb 23, 2011
Held my first class at Antix Fitness tonight. All went well and every…