Almost got my garden ready for planting. Just got some seeds started for my orchard. Choke cherry, thimbleberry, whortleberry, Cascade Huckleberry, Rocky Mountain Elderberry, Tea Berry, Sun Berry and Honey Bush. Things are looking good on the homestead.
I also am about to become a bee keeper! I had a swarm show up at my backdoor and they have decided to stay. I cant have them living in the eves of my house so I am building them a Top Bar Bee Hive to keep them out in the orchard. So with any luck and maybe a few stings for my trouble I will have my first bee hive by next week. I started the hive tonight and have it about halfway done.
I also am about to become a bee keeper! I had a swarm show up at my backdoor and they have decided to stay. I cant have them living in the eves of my house so I am building them a Top Bar Bee Hive to keep them out in the orchard. So with any luck and maybe a few stings for my trouble I will have my first bee hive by next week. I started the hive tonight and have it about halfway done.
How will you move the swarm?
still working that part out
I'm gonna contact a professional bee swarm remover and get some advice. I've also got a bee keeper friend I'm gonna go see thursday and see what he has to say.