OK time for a quick update. I'm down another 6lbs, baby goat AKA Colbert is almost two weeks old and doing great, my guinea Hop-a-long's leg has healed after a severe break and while its a little tweaked he does still have it and can get around on it. The weather is nuts but I think spring is finally starting up I expect to be planting my gardeb by the end of the month. I also appear to be in a good position to be rehired for the census in a few weeks so good on me for making money
Lastly I will be out of communication for a few days I am going out to Arizona for a few days with my grandmother. Her house out at the river got broken into so I'm going with her to get things cleaned up and hopefully do some gambling too
Wish me luck all and see you in a few days.

Good to hear things are mostly going good for you (apart from your grandmother's house). Have fun in Arizona!