Wow has it been a while since I bothered with this blog, not like anyone reads it anyway. Well let me go ahead and make an update.
I'm back in school. I received my AA in history but frankly there is little point in going any farther than that, no money in history
so I am going back to get my AS in geology and...
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I'm back in school. I received my AA in history but frankly there is little point in going any farther than that, no money in history

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Well there are some ups and downs folks. I sprained my right knee (formerly known as my good knee) and I've been laid up for about 3 weeks so far. Luckly I am healing which is nice for a change. I should be back to normal in another week or two. I've been speeding recovery with regular joint mobility work and a really strong liniment...
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Well I've been a bad blogger. So lets pop a new one up shall we?
Been busy but not where I wanna be yet. Good news thou! My gym wanted a resume and if all goes well I could be gainfully imployed as an instructor once again. My little training business is also picking up. I should have 3 students saturday. Feels good to be...
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Been busy but not where I wanna be yet. Good news thou! My gym wanted a resume and if all goes well I could be gainfully imployed as an instructor once again. My little training business is also picking up. I should have 3 students saturday. Feels good to be...
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Well its been a while hasnt it? Frankly I've been to busy doing nothing
Still training at Adrenaline but not as often lately. I've been busy doing signature campaign work. Borning miserable stuff. People treat you like scum and most of them are so poorly informed on civics that they think they are voting just by signing the paper! Don't even get me started on...
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Good luck with your many projects 

Hell of a night at Adrenaline tonight. I had my jiu jitsu classes. 1 1/2 no gi and an hour of gi. You know that kind of sore where your abs hurt from breathing? Ya thats me
Everyone I role with is polite and really damned good. Every class I've taken here I have been pleased with and really couldn't be happier with this arrangement....
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Having some setbacks in my business venture so I am taking a new course. Starting May 28th I will be holding a 2 hour class from 9am to 11am every Saturday at Ford Park in Redlands, CA. The first half of class will be an hour of Circular Strength Training (mainly clubbell athletics and prasara yoga) followed by an hour of self defense instruction (mainly...
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Update: Start date has been changed to June 4th.
Not much happening on the girlfriend front. I really feel lame I don't even know where to go to meet women anymore. Maybe I should hold auditions
Still I figure think will workout if I keep myself open to the possibilitie of meeting someone new.
On the fitness front my foot is about ready to get back into running and I am down to 210lbs....
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On the fitness front my foot is about ready to get back into running and I am down to 210lbs....
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Owww! I've been dealing with some real nasty kidney stones for the last week. Its really put me off course in my training for the 1/2 marathon but hell or high water (or knife like stabbing pain in my right side) I am moving up to 7.5 miles tomorrow. At the 5 mile mark I was able to come in at 59:30 so I'm coming...
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I'd help if I lived in the same continent
Hope you get better and find a date soon

Hope you get better and find a date soon

Classes at Antix Fitness are going great, my last class was full! My yoga is excellent and I'm feeling great. In other news I am training for the "Run Thru Redlands" April 10th. My goal is to run the 1/2 marathon barefoot. This morning I ran 5 miles in 1:06 so I have a little ways to go but I'm feeling good. My cardiovascular system...
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WOW! Sounds like your doing great. Good luck with the upcoming run.
Held my first class at Antix Fitness tonight. All went well and everyone really enjoyed my class. I had several girls tell me that they had tried yoga before and did not really like it. They however loved my yoga class. Starting March I will be holding a weekly Prasara yoga class at Antix and hopefully more to come.