Apartments in the city are fucking expensive. I think I will start mediating while staring at shoeboxes, so the next 380 sq. ft. $1400 apartment I look at will seem spacious and reasonable.
HAPPPY BIRTHDAY MOTHERFUCKER!!! biggrin biggrin biggrin
happy birthday and welcome to manhattan!!!! i wish i could afford to live there!!! smile
I want to play music. I moved to NY with the intention to make music and it still hasn't happened. I need to move to the city to make it practical. 6 more months of not playing music and I am going to shoot myself. If anyone out there knows musicians on Staten Island let me know. This is getting fucking ridiculous.
Your Alive!

what you should do is start updating your journal and posting on the boards there are alot of NYC kids here for you to network but around here you need to participate more and get to know some people for people to accept you(or whatever) then you can join SGNY

Or join some of the music Groups (networking is your friend)
Yeah, good thinking. I have been so fucking busy with work hardly get out.
Alright, I am all set up here in Staten Island. I just moved out here from Salt Lake. Things are good, I am working nights at the hospital and the staff is really cool. I am trying to adjust to not having car, it really isn't that hard. Public trans is great out here and I am saving a ton of money. Miss everyone in...
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i dont think we ever met in slc....but i totally agree-good tattoo work is hard to find outside of the city of god..or um a lot of good tattood people. you might find like one. ha.
that is so crazy about your apartment. and kinda sad that some dood went crazy, going crazy scares me....especially when its all of the sudden. you never know whos going to fucking snap.
I want to play music. I moved to NY with the intention to make music and it still hasn't happened. I need to move to the city to make it practical. 6 more months of not playing music and I am going to shoot myself. If anyone out there knows musicians on Staten Island let me know. This is getting fucking ridiculous.