i hate thugs.
last night i'm taking george out for his last pee of the evening and this group of like 5 teenagers are walking towards me. one of them decides it's ok to say "get your dog out of my neighborhood nigga, i'll shoot you." i ignore him, get a little further away and he says "you didn't hear me nigga? get your dog outta my hood bitch. i'll fucking shoot your ass."
i refuse to be afraid of black male teenagers just because they're black male teenagers, and i wasn't afraid of this kid either. not because i'm tough, but because i just don't think the odds of getting shot because i own a dog and live in this neighborhood are very high. while i'm fairly certain he didn't have a gun, i didn't say anything to him and his friends. my reaction was actually like he wasn't there at all. which i'm hoping had the intended effect of him not looking cool to his friends by being a asshole to a total stranger.
however, a few months ago there were several shootings right near my house so perhaps it was good not to confront the kid with nothing more in my corner than a big fat chocolate lab who loves everybody.
i just hate thugs. i don't give a fuck if this kid feels powerless or has esteem issues or has a bad home life or whatever. you don't just threaten to shoot people randomly to show off to your friends.
last night i'm taking george out for his last pee of the evening and this group of like 5 teenagers are walking towards me. one of them decides it's ok to say "get your dog out of my neighborhood nigga, i'll shoot you." i ignore him, get a little further away and he says "you didn't hear me nigga? get your dog outta my hood bitch. i'll fucking shoot your ass."
i refuse to be afraid of black male teenagers just because they're black male teenagers, and i wasn't afraid of this kid either. not because i'm tough, but because i just don't think the odds of getting shot because i own a dog and live in this neighborhood are very high. while i'm fairly certain he didn't have a gun, i didn't say anything to him and his friends. my reaction was actually like he wasn't there at all. which i'm hoping had the intended effect of him not looking cool to his friends by being a asshole to a total stranger.
however, a few months ago there were several shootings right near my house so perhaps it was good not to confront the kid with nothing more in my corner than a big fat chocolate lab who loves everybody.
i just hate thugs. i don't give a fuck if this kid feels powerless or has esteem issues or has a bad home life or whatever. you don't just threaten to shoot people randomly to show off to your friends.

but... wow. that's nuts. too bad i wasn't in town, you could've called me. vigilante justice, that's my middle name.
disappointed i didn't recieve my order today...maybe tomorrow. i seriously can't wait...it is so hard to get anything worth reading around here.
i hope you're having a great day!!!