it's funny. i'm 30 and 3 quarters years old. i was just driving to UPS to ship a box to MooShoes in New York. I'm driving along listening to a Misfits cassette (punk and disorderly comp on the other side) I've had since i was 14 years old (that's one sturdy cassette, i tell you what.) So I'm driving, doing my best Danzig voice to AstroZombies and I see a kid, probably 14, getting out of school, wearing a Misfits t-shirt walking down the street. i'm sure he got it at hot topic, but when i was 14 and bought my misfits shirt, i got it at the mall too. i wanted to stop and hug him and tell him everything was going to work out. but a 30 year old stopping his car to hug a 14 year old in a school zone, i believe, is a felony.
"all i wanna say, and all i've gotta do, who'd i do this for hey me or you?"
"all i wanna say, and all i've gotta do, who'd i do this for hey me or you?"

I got your magazine, cool guy. It really, seriously rocks
It's so cool to read a magazine where vegetarianism isn't presented as a freaky dinky thing. And is it weird that I love the ads? As soon as I get a break, I'm gonna spend some time typing in the urls from the ads- you can find some really interesting things that way, at least that's how I found your site back in the day. I haven't heard of that band, but I"m not from these parts, so they could still be around for all I know. I'll keep an eye out.

I'm being careful with the corporate types... promise...