i had a nice long talk with my brother today about how our childhoods screwed us up. he's in love with a great woman and is afraid our crappy childhoods of never feelling adequate will cause him to unintentionally fuck everything up. it's a really long story, but i came to a decision for the both of us which is this, we don't have to be "our parents children" forever. we can one day, like today, be our own adults and close the door on crappy childhoods.
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Tommy's house is on my hit list...
right on, i get really excited reading about you raising yoru son. michelle and i are trying to get pregnant right now (well....not RIGHT now) and it scares the crap out of me but is something i'm really excited about. i'm ready to do my best to bring a consciencious little thinker into the world.
you've got a pretty fierce circumstance but your son is going to look back one day and thank you for getting him started on the right foot.