I'm comfortably settled back into my beloved sacred desert home, New Mexico. Particularly, Burque, tho, this whole state has me wrapped round its finger... many people told me that after living in California, I'd never want to be back here, that I'd realize just how much I was missing, languishing and wasting away in NM. Well, I spent nearly two years in Oakland, The Bay, was blessed with many fantastic friends, a few passionate and cherished lovers, satisfying work and accomplishments in all my motorcycle technician certifications and training... pretty much as good of a time as one can have when moving from you're home state... and yet, I couldn't keep myself away from this place. I have a love for the Bay, and California in general, but I'll never live there again... a place to visit, but not to set root, not for me anyhow. My point is this... if you're one of these horrible people who putt-zis around in a town that they claim to hate, wishing they were somewhere else more "exiting", then GO! Get the fuck out of Dodge. Go see for yourself that places are only different on the surface, a superficial level... that the quality of your life is based on you, your actions and choices, the people you choose to spend your time with... the rest is just the scenery. So stop bitching about how boring your small town is, and start creating a more exiting life for yourself where you are now!
Hey, where do you bartend?
Burt's Tiki Lounge and Monte Vista Fire Station. My goal is to phase out tending all together and focus all my efforts and energy towards my motorcycle restoration and service business, Jameson Motorworks. But bar tending is an absolute drug... few hours, fast paced hectic work that flies by, and at the end of the night, cash in hand. It's really hard to get used to a day time work schedule again, especially while simultaneously continuing a regiment in the bar industry. Let's just say, I don't sleep enough!!