Conquest and romance... all the rest is just potato's in the cold ground.
You might WANT the both of you to be on the same page, working together for a common future... but that's naive. All the while, you FEEL the realities... pay attention to the red flags. Listen to your gut... you know what the truth is. Don't sink your own ship.
Remember remember the fifth of November, Guy Fawkes Day, the Gunpowder Treason... every citizen of any government state, is obligated to shake things up, even just a little, from time to time. As long as there is tyranny, there must also be treason...
I work more than ever, enjoy more success than ever, and the privileges that come along... yet feel more unrest and more distracted than ever. I had a year and some months of relative happiness with a wonderful woman, and now she's moved away, and I will not follow... too much opportunity for me here, in this place. Oh filthy, wild Burque, is there no...
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There is truly no end.

I'm comfortably settled back into my beloved sacred desert home, New Mexico. Particularly, Burque, tho, this whole state has me wrapped round its finger... many people told me that after living in California, I'd never want to be back here, that I'd realize just how much I was missing, languishing and wasting away in NM. Well, I spent nearly two years in Oakland, The Bay,...
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Hey, where do you bartend?
Burt's Tiki Lounge and Monte Vista Fire Station. My goal is to phase out tending all together and focus all my efforts and energy towards my motorcycle restoration and service business, Jameson Motorworks. But bar tending is an absolute drug... few hours, fast paced hectic work that flies by, and at the end of the night, cash in hand. It's really hard to get used to a day time work schedule again, especially while simultaneously continuing a regiment in the bar industry. Let's just say, I don't sleep enough!!
I was born up north in Bismark, North Dakota, but this was never my home. At 11 months old, my family moved me to the sacred deserts of New Mexico. Las Cruces specifically, in the curious county of Dona Ana. There, tucked quietly under the mesquite and yucca of the humble Organ mountains, I learned to worship... never a praise of a dogma, or of...
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Your language is a fine cocktail of influences ranging from Kerouac to HST with a dash of Castaneda to it, and still very genuine. Thank you for arranging words so lovingly and skillfully.
I can smell the bad blood that still stains these superficially spotless halls and passages. Vengeance, and power mean nothing to the dead. Silken scars ordain your memory... Does courage, or valor, have mass where you are? Lost your body. I'm here, in the ocean. Past the sand and desert, and in the stones... we left the rest in our spotless halls, dried up bones,...
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With the passing of today and four more, I'll have finally come to the completion... as a certified, accredited motor-bike technician! Thats right, oh yeah, wish I was high-5-ing someone right now instead of typing. 5 hours a day, 5 days a week, for one entire year. No summer or semester breaks. Like working full time for a crummy company for 12 months, not getting...
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Do right, by your neighbor... know that everything has a rippling effect, always.
Why, if I had a nickle for every time.......
I'd still be po'
True, true
There are allot of us on this planet... no reason to listen to me... but if you do, check out Nouvelle Vague, and At The Drive-In... they're worth your time.
The gods of the asphalt are compassionate as well as furious... vengeful in their wisdom of timing. I and many others, have lost brothers and sisters to the alter that is "the ride." August 20, 2009, Chris O'Rourke Marquez, a good man and friend to me, forfeited his life to that same cause. Godspeed blood, as you find the light. One great day after my...
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Awesome! I love the "love hate" relationship someone can have with something as simple as the open road.
I want to take a ride

I want to take a ride