when is this shit going to end!
and whats with everyone in new york deciding to drive and not taking the train. the traffic going home is getting worse by the day! must move to a moutaintop on the beach. hawaii!! thats it
pretty quiet birthday yesterday.went to the crazy donkey with a couple friends friday night.mom cooked a great meal for me and not much else. twenty eight years where does the time frikin go.
thanks smuffy first friend on sg. well i have the day off friday must get my truck inspected . the damhorn doesn't work and the dam blinker lights don't turn off after after the dam turn.goinn out friday for my birthday. all i want is a suicide girlfor one date,the only problem is who would it be.......
can't wait to fill up my gas tank for 60 bucks at least i don't live in cali
my frikin body is so sore i hate it. wish work didn't do this to the body.must find a girl who likes harleys, tats, dogs. drinking, the beach, staying active, and sleeping late on the weekends, with bloody marys on sunday brunch specials...... is that too much to ask! who the hell knows lol!
goin to the city tonight either the les or somewhere else who he hell knows as long as i don't have to drink and drive lol i mean drive
love the new york skyline. i work for a hvac company so i get to see some nice sights. cant wait for the spring.must get a pic downloaded