so what is there to do when your not working on getting a job and your eyes feel like sandpaper from staring at hot SG girls on the computer.. I need eye drops!!! who wants to work???
i have a job interview on monday i'm so frikin happy!!!!!!!!!!
where is my tax return? When can i get my old job back so i don't have to look for another one? I think i have to start hanhing out like i used too getting drunk in manhattan after work. I didn't have any problems back then......
well yesterday I was let go from the company basically "YOUR FIRED" I was working at this hotel renovation job and we finished about an hour early so I was sitting in the shanty and the lead guy I was with was sleeping. Well the boss walks in and I look up and there he see's us.He walks out of the building and the shit...
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what do you do when you have no money and you want to go out fridaynight?
out all day on the roof.and now i have some killer sunburn on a nice, cool march day.
i have to get my taxes done today i hope i get some money back