Cursed turkey day.

No family members contacted me at all for this weekend. While odd, it is not an unwelcome change. I managed to spend a "family"-esque holiday with friends, which was awesome.

Daxxgiving was splendid.

I didn't make it out to goth/goa night. I spent the evening doing drugs with Amber. There was talk of getting her to get some photo sets up on...
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Yeah, looks like you could be advertising something

Some sort of manly poster advertising..like chili or leather belts or something?

ANyways, its a good picture, very imposing and stoic.
Heh. Imposing and stoic. Thats about right. Tis my character picture for Cassidy Of-Stags-Blood.
Tonight shall be interesting.

Dinner with Daxx, my fire performance partner, and a plethora of attractive females. It's Daxxgiving! That is what the previously mentioned pie and cake is for.

After that, playing with some fire, and off to Sanctuary/Orgainix

Gotta love the long weekends when goths and goa kids can get together and dance the night away.

Crossing a strange boundry, I think I...
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Welcome to the BCB group
Hey man, welcome to the site biggrin
Total stress case. School, school, work, and more school.

I also have to have a 10 minute spiritual monologue written, memorized, and performed in full costume by next Sunday.

The stress is making me constantly ill, but whatever. It's also making it impossible to concentrate..

I look to cooking to take my mind off things, it being turkey days and all. Unfortunatly, this takes up...
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