Girls complicate my life.
There is I. (not to be confused with the first person singular pronoun), who goes to school with me. She's attractive in a librarian sort of way. However, although friends, my romantic interest in her begins and ends there. On the other hand, she just got out of a long-term relationship and, in between that and the normal stresses one incurs in law school, she might be amiable to a friends with benefits type arrangement. Holding off on that for the moment because...
There is C. C., to borrow a line from 100 GIRLS, oozes sex like a sponge contraceptive, which - alongside a bit of intellectualism (not to be confused with plain old intelligence) - is my guiding light as far as girls go. I met her soon after coming to DC and saw her again at a party the next week. There was a definite chemistry and insinuations that we should get to know each other better, so I asked her out the next day. She suggested we go out the next weekend IF she didn't go camping. She went camping. Since then, she has deflected my weekly entreaties for a date claiming to be too busy (see Footnote 1). It's been five weeks since I first asked her out. We're finally supposed to get dinner on Tuesday. I remain cautiously optimistic (One one hand, it's been five fucking weeks. On the other, my money's always on me convincing her that "maybe I should spend more time with this guy - a not insignificant portion of which should be as unencumbered by unnecessary clothing as possible" if we are as compatible as I once thought we might be.). If that doesn't work out though...
There is T. I have a great time every time I hang out with T. T., however, has a long-distance boyfriend. Very nice guy, from the sound of it, but it also sounds like (in my opinion) I would be a little bit better. Unfortunately, my particular moral code inclines me from actively pursuing girls in healthy relationships (see Footnote 2), which leaves...
S. A few brief exchanges in hallways and stairwells aside, I don't really know much about S. However, we have locked eyes a couple times in various classes. That could be collateral damage stemming from looking in opposing directions at the same time or it could be a mutual appreciation of staring at pretty things. I suppose I'll have to find a chance to talk to her to find out...
So, yes, complicated.
Footnote 1: Most people are busy. Busy people never HAVE time. It is my contention that busy people MAKE time for the people they care about. This particular situation is a bit of a conundrum in that regard. The girl has no reason to make time for me except for a desire to get to know me better. That might be low enough on her totem pole of priorities to not quite make the list. While personally grating, that's understandable. Then again, it could just be a straight-up lack of respect of me on her part, in which case, well, screw her.
Footnote 2: This particular part of my morality seems to be based more in expediency than anything. Attached girls generally don't appreciate very determined pursuit in spite of a professed relationship with someone that is not you. That leaves stating your case neutrally (essentially by being your hopefully awesome self) and half-heartedly hoping they come around to your position.
There is I. (not to be confused with the first person singular pronoun), who goes to school with me. She's attractive in a librarian sort of way. However, although friends, my romantic interest in her begins and ends there. On the other hand, she just got out of a long-term relationship and, in between that and the normal stresses one incurs in law school, she might be amiable to a friends with benefits type arrangement. Holding off on that for the moment because...
There is C. C., to borrow a line from 100 GIRLS, oozes sex like a sponge contraceptive, which - alongside a bit of intellectualism (not to be confused with plain old intelligence) - is my guiding light as far as girls go. I met her soon after coming to DC and saw her again at a party the next week. There was a definite chemistry and insinuations that we should get to know each other better, so I asked her out the next day. She suggested we go out the next weekend IF she didn't go camping. She went camping. Since then, she has deflected my weekly entreaties for a date claiming to be too busy (see Footnote 1). It's been five weeks since I first asked her out. We're finally supposed to get dinner on Tuesday. I remain cautiously optimistic (One one hand, it's been five fucking weeks. On the other, my money's always on me convincing her that "maybe I should spend more time with this guy - a not insignificant portion of which should be as unencumbered by unnecessary clothing as possible" if we are as compatible as I once thought we might be.). If that doesn't work out though...
There is T. I have a great time every time I hang out with T. T., however, has a long-distance boyfriend. Very nice guy, from the sound of it, but it also sounds like (in my opinion) I would be a little bit better. Unfortunately, my particular moral code inclines me from actively pursuing girls in healthy relationships (see Footnote 2), which leaves...
S. A few brief exchanges in hallways and stairwells aside, I don't really know much about S. However, we have locked eyes a couple times in various classes. That could be collateral damage stemming from looking in opposing directions at the same time or it could be a mutual appreciation of staring at pretty things. I suppose I'll have to find a chance to talk to her to find out...
So, yes, complicated.
Footnote 1: Most people are busy. Busy people never HAVE time. It is my contention that busy people MAKE time for the people they care about. This particular situation is a bit of a conundrum in that regard. The girl has no reason to make time for me except for a desire to get to know me better. That might be low enough on her totem pole of priorities to not quite make the list. While personally grating, that's understandable. Then again, it could just be a straight-up lack of respect of me on her part, in which case, well, screw her.
Footnote 2: This particular part of my morality seems to be based more in expediency than anything. Attached girls generally don't appreciate very determined pursuit in spite of a professed relationship with someone that is not you. That leaves stating your case neutrally (essentially by being your hopefully awesome self) and half-heartedly hoping they come around to your position.
Well, with those sorts of wooing songs at your disposal it's a wonder you're not fending off the poontang with a chainsaw.