Sometime this week marks thirty (30) months of quasi-involuntary abstinence for me (that's two-and-a-half years for those of you disinclined to dividing by twelve). If I were given the chance to do it all over again, I wouldn't. I would instead have taken advantage of some of the opportunities I passed up on and, more importantly, take some of the chances that I chickened out on. However, that's not important, mainly because it's easier not to regret my lack of a sex life if I don't dwell on it. Still, it's not without its bright side. Although it literally took years, the lack of any relationship - meaningful or otherwise - in my life gradually led me to a very real acceptance of myself by myself. In other words, I reached a point where I no longer actively desired a relationship. Now I'm ready...
I just noticed you changed your profile picture. To be honest, I think the photo of you in the orange (or is it pink?) dress is more becoming. It shows off your figure quite nicely. Don't you think that should be your main image?

Thank'ee, thank'ee