Apartment hunting has got me thinking... What do I need four walls and a roof for anyway? While my car is nowhere near as palatial as Lukass' '89 Chevy Suburban, I think I could live quite comfortably out of it, so long as I cut my belongings down to essentials. Who needs a bookcase for books you never read? Hell, I can't remember the last time I wore some of the clothes I own. A gym membership (50$) provides recreation and the kind of grooming facilities one normally relegates to the privacy of one's own home. In between a cell phone (50$) and the internet at work, I have telecommunications covered. I could charge a laptop at work as well. Not having a house to go home to would definitely get me out of the house more. At worst, I could rent a storage space ($200?) where I could trade out clothing and books as needed. There's plenty of free parking on the streets and any number of comestibles that do not require any further preparation. Shit, I could go out to eat every night of the month (as long as I didn't spend more than 20-25$ - a more than reasonable sum if I do say so myself) and still come out ahead at the end of the month. I almost forgot a P.O. Box (30$). Throw in a highball estimate of 150$ for gas and another 150$ for the aforementioned groceries and you got a base living expense, on the high end, of 630$ a month. And the greatest thing is, it doesn't sound like all that horrible of an existence. I'm willing to venture that you're still living better than 60-75% of the world population.
that was pretty logically broken down...almost makes me wanna live in my shitty lil car too
I know your anxiously waiting for me to change my mind, but get in line pal, you're not the only one.