I have been working on a bit more ambitious sketch.
Unfortunately, I don't have a large format scanner so I've taken a few detail shots
The Princess
The dragon
And the falls
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I have been working on a bit more ambitious sketch.
Unfortunately, I don't have a large format scanner so I've taken a few detail shots
The Princess
The dragon
And the falls
My name is Dan and I am not the kind of person who leads an interesting enough life to blog about.
I make my living with my voice of all things. I'm not a singer or orator, I am a phone operator. I spend my day answering phones and making pages over the public address system. Far, far from exciting.
My hobbies are not much...
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This is a drawing I worked on between parades most of Mardi Gras. I'm very happy with how it came out. What do you think?
I am hardly the most interesting person, but welcome to my corner of SG.
Having been a fan of SG for some time, I have finally taken the step of joining the community myself.
My main hobby is drawing and I will probably post a fair amount of artwork on here from time to time.
I have a love of fine cigars.