My name is Dan and I am not the kind of person who leads an interesting enough life to blog about.
I make my living with my voice of all things. I'm not a singer or orator, I am a phone operator. I spend my day answering phones and making pages over the public address system. Far, far from exciting.
My hobbies are not much more exciting. I am a voracious reader of fiction. I try to read at least one book every week. I am a cigar passionado. And I love to draw.
As you can see from what I've posted here, I love to draw beautiful women. I draw what inspires me, and feminine beauty is what gives me that creative inspiration. Seeking out that inspiration prompted me to follow more than a few Suicide Girls and hopefuls on Instagram and now to finally join the site.
I look forward to getting to know as many of you as I can, and I hope to find some inspiring ladies that wouldn't mind me doing my best to capture even a bare fraction of their beauty on paper.
Now that I've properly bored you to tears, I'll say it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance and I hope to get to know you better.