wow, so much going on and so little time to share it!
i've been trying to stay active on here as much as i can with the pace of school and my hobbies increasing. It's the time of the year to be thinking of plantings and i haven't even begun to think of my garden in any real way yet. i guess that's the way of things. i can't wait to be out of school and to have only the job and my garden to work on with any consistency.
two of my various fermentations just had a bubble come through the airlock at the same time. actually it's, the oldest and newest, which are sitting together talking about how this all happens. at least in my mind they are.
i was introduced to an amazing shrine in the forest today. it's got these two old, huge trees in it. one is an Acer by the looks of it and it almost seems like two trees that began as separate beings and fused into one. there are all these criss-cross patterns woven into the outer bark and there is a vertical series of indentations that seem to indicate separate trunks. it's amazing. right before you see it, though, you come through a veritable thicket of cedars and pass by this amazingly huge Pseudotsuga. this thing is at least 6 feet in diameter and stands what looks like 150 feet high.
I've also had an oil start to ferment when i didn't want it to. seems like i'm just fermentation incarnate right now. the brew flows with this one.
that's it right now, though. it's night on the sun and i need to go see it going down in a blaze of glory at the beach. talk to you all very soon.
i've been trying to stay active on here as much as i can with the pace of school and my hobbies increasing. It's the time of the year to be thinking of plantings and i haven't even begun to think of my garden in any real way yet. i guess that's the way of things. i can't wait to be out of school and to have only the job and my garden to work on with any consistency.
two of my various fermentations just had a bubble come through the airlock at the same time. actually it's, the oldest and newest, which are sitting together talking about how this all happens. at least in my mind they are.
i was introduced to an amazing shrine in the forest today. it's got these two old, huge trees in it. one is an Acer by the looks of it and it almost seems like two trees that began as separate beings and fused into one. there are all these criss-cross patterns woven into the outer bark and there is a vertical series of indentations that seem to indicate separate trunks. it's amazing. right before you see it, though, you come through a veritable thicket of cedars and pass by this amazingly huge Pseudotsuga. this thing is at least 6 feet in diameter and stands what looks like 150 feet high.
I've also had an oil start to ferment when i didn't want it to. seems like i'm just fermentation incarnate right now. the brew flows with this one.
that's it right now, though. it's night on the sun and i need to go see it going down in a blaze of glory at the beach. talk to you all very soon.

and no Jeremy... that's not Brett
That's Adam (idrawrobots)
Sweet, sweet redheads.... gahhhhhhh
Brett has brown hair and I suppose we kinda look like each other.
Oh, and that motherfucker guessed that I was taking him to Star Wars
but he's really excited either way