today i saw what might possibly be one of the most inspiring vistas available to an urban dweller anywhere in the world. i saw the alpenglow on tahoma at sunset this evening as it towered above the rooftops of our small corner of the world. drives home just how small you and i are and how little we truly affect the order and rhythms of the earth. but at the same time, we've got the responsibility to protect every single little speck of life on this rock of ours. as a result i'm telling you all to read Ishmael, because it's a good spot to start, and let's all talk about how to make it happen. have a little conservationist's salon of sorts.
cool, evening.
cool, evening.
actually, the more i read, the more i realize that maybe you are not with her. but still love her dearly. correct me if i'm wrong, lol
yeah okay, i sent you a message. i combined the response to the last comment you gave me and the message that you sent. it'll be easier that way!