no new posts for a while, eh?
so here's what's up: corporate america+ politicians without initiative= bad. really bad. wanna know what part of the problems is? i know, you were thinking "non-existent import tariffs" but i'll counter with the socratic method: "how do you think they got lowered?"
things i've been thinking lately have me pretty happy. christmas was great. i got almost nothing and that's what i wanted. i have three wants this year: stiffer climbing shoes, a crash pad, and labor on my motorcycle. that's it. i want nothing more. however, this time of year always gets me going on what makes america suck wind so much of the time. could it be that instead of, say, feeding all the starving children in the world we spend billions of dollars on stuff the recipients don't really want? or perhaps that we give all that money to folks who are raping other human beings and the environment to make their money now? this wacky world of ours is the result of our own worshipping at the altar of Americana. we all want the nicest coffee cup but never worry about the quality of the coffee inside.
so here's what's up: corporate america+ politicians without initiative= bad. really bad. wanna know what part of the problems is? i know, you were thinking "non-existent import tariffs" but i'll counter with the socratic method: "how do you think they got lowered?"
things i've been thinking lately have me pretty happy. christmas was great. i got almost nothing and that's what i wanted. i have three wants this year: stiffer climbing shoes, a crash pad, and labor on my motorcycle. that's it. i want nothing more. however, this time of year always gets me going on what makes america suck wind so much of the time. could it be that instead of, say, feeding all the starving children in the world we spend billions of dollars on stuff the recipients don't really want? or perhaps that we give all that money to folks who are raping other human beings and the environment to make their money now? this wacky world of ours is the result of our own worshipping at the altar of Americana. we all want the nicest coffee cup but never worry about the quality of the coffee inside.
I've heard LAX has big bathrooms... And it's only 15 minutes away from my house, anyway... 

yeah for sure... i'm here til jan 12, so we have plenty of time for coffee or a record store or something.