Birthday party tonite woohoo! A certain lola better show and O and s5 too!

If you want to come, email me and I will send details! dis at gruntle dot org
I have been extremely tired lately, even moreso then my usual sick self. Ever since returning from NYC it seems all I want to do is lounge in bed all day. Which I did indeed do all day thursday. I have been forcing myself to get up and do a few things each day, but it seems like after exerting very little effort I am...
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hey hun..happy early b-day..mine is august 5th..we're gonna be the big 24..isnt that scary..i hope you feel better,if you ever wanna talk,im me on aim,its on my profile..take care
What's that I hear?........ a birthday party to open eyes...........In the Bay Area!..................Dude, I'm gonna need some when's and where's. Sounds like a blast. Definately something to brighten spirits. Who knows we might have to %sudo mv /your_killer_party /My_house/in_San_Jose
%operation not permitted?

In other addiction news, I am shamefully fond of the starbucks series of flavored coffees. There are a few reasons this is shameful, not the least of which is of course that it is starbuck's. However the most important is: I hate coffee. No really, I actually can't stand the stuff. Which makes it all the more surprising that I am so enamoured with the...
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i really dont care for starbucks...i am an avid coffee drinker, but honestly prefer 7-11 coffee over starbucks..the taste is horrible (unless you get it dosed with so much flavor that you cant taste the coffee) BUT here is a fun thing to do on a boring day.

go to your local starbucks ( i always chose to bring my own coffee) and sit outside, preferably during early morning hours..and watch all the yuppies (at least here, thats the majority of the consumers) anyways..watch them go into *starbucks* in their designer sweats and messed hair..groggy and somewhat acting like a normal person.

BUT ahhhh..the moment that they get their horrible tasting $5.00 drink, they are majically transformed...they walk out with their head held higher..you can imagine (if you have an imagination like mine) that they are screaming inwardly.." look...i spent $5.00 on a drink that tastes like shit, just so i can show my status...just so everyone will know...
i am a starbucks yuppie".

i wonder what kind of drugs starbucks is using...ha.
at least starbucks has been willing to listen and make changes:


Since march 2001, Starbucks has:

* Sworn off ever using GE coffee beans.
* Started offering rBGH-free milk and soymilk as an option in all of its 3000 US cafes.
* Reformulated some of its products to avoid GE ingredients.
* Admitted that less than one percent of its $2.6 billion in sales are from Fair Trade coffee.
* Started offering organic yogurt and milk in many of its US cafes.
* Agreed to start brewing Fair Trade and organic coffee as its "coffee of the day" at least one day a month in the USA and Canada.
* Admitted that 80% of the 32 million gallons of milk it buys each year in the US are tainted with Monsanto's rBGH.
* Begun test marketing organic baked goods.
* Started selling Fair Trade certified coffee in bulk form in all of its cafes worldwide.
* Agreed to start paying at least slightly more for the coffee it buys worldwide.
* Agreed to buy at least one million pounds of Fair Trade coffee over the next year.

hi. i know this thread is long over, and i don't drink starbucks anyway, but i think it's good to give big corporations a pat on the head when they deserve it.
I am back from NYC hooray! I missed SF, what with the fog and the not too hot and the nice hoodie weather. I missed being able to *wear* my hoodies, esp. my swanky SG hoodie which is quickly becoming my favorite since it is extra big and cuddly!

NYC was horrendously fun and I was saddened to have to leave, but home is so...
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Heh, I have been several times, its just that I have been traveling SO MUCH this year. And if my bf doesn't go, I don't really want to go, because regardless of how different things are out there, I will miss him too much. I know, I've been miserable everytime we are apart for more then a few hours, regardless of the quality of distractions I have at my disposal. smile
yeah I almost didn't go, but my girlfriend basically made it clear that I had no choice ; )

And she was right,of course.
I got to NY ok. Uh, ok end of transmission.
keep your eyes open for the wizard. he's this creepy black guy wearing a fake white beard and full merlin regalia.

i don't know if i'd scream and run upon seeing him or try to steal his wallet. one or the other would suffice, i suppose.
Wasn't he on Conan Obrien when Triumph did a show for the opening of the new Star Wars? well if you saw it.
I still have not packed. In fact I havent even done laundry yet. Leaving in 12 hours, which means I need to be at the airport in ten. And I have to run a bunch of errands. And take zoe out to a movie for her bday. Why am I such a slacker? If only life was like IRC, then I could write scripts to...
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So, since you don't talk to people to whom you're attracted, I'm guessing you still get people coming up to you, right? You being so cute and all. I have a feeling that while you are silent, you're still gettin play. Whereas my silence leads to more silence.

For a professional slacker, your website looks very cool.

Have fun on your trip! Send us a postcard!
i dyed my hair. also, wtf is up with this damn heat? i do not like being hot and sweaty without the benefit of having gotten laid to become so, I leave for NY tomorrow for a week and a half. I am not nearly ready enough to go. Perhaps if i work on packing instead of browsing pr0n?
is the photo the new hair? i doubt it, considering you're wearing a turtleneck and your post mentions disgust at the heat. but you never know, maybe you're a glutton of some sort. regardless ... you commented for me, i was compelled to comment for you.

have fun in new york. if you see a short, puerto rican that answers to 'phatboy' and he's hobbling through manhattan on crutches ... feel free to mug him. he probably deserves it.
yeah that pic is old. new hair can be seen when I occasionally update my webcam: http://elucidate.org/cam
Today I did a surprising amount of work considering that I have been at the boyfriend's house all day. Hopefully this site I am currently working on will go live in the next few days, the nicest thing about it, is that it is already oriented towards IE 4+ users because of the extensive media files that are the subject of the site, so I...
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erk! im not gettin nekkid anytime soon! that would be some sort of end-times, apocalyptic sign or some such!
so. yep. this is a journal.
that it is. funny thing journals are.
neet. another bay area fool. i guess there are a bunch of you kids out there. i like donnie darko. i think i'm officially changing annabell's name to doggie darko. i was born in 78. i have a sg t-shirt.