Today I cleaned out my garage, thanks to Marc who did the lion's share of lifting and moving and general all around helping (really it was more as if I assisted him). It is such a relief to have that done. Now the only thing left on the floor is the outdoor carpet and two loads of laundry which should be done by this evening. There is alot of furniture and things which need storing to move in from outside, but that is temperary since most of it is to be given away or thrown out by next week (before I leave for burningman). Then the plan is that once we return, unpack, clean all the dirty stuff, pack it back up for next year and relax a bit, Marc, myself, and others TBE (to be enlisted) shall put up some drywall and insulation and make a bedroom out there. Then I will have my own room at home. The only thing I worry about is where all my clothing will go. I will need to pick up some nice dressers with deep drawers.
It will be nice to have my own space here in the house again, and someday when cj and I don't need a third roomate (someday!) it means that Evan will have a room of his own. Which will be good for him. But right now it will be better for me.
In other news, still so much to do pre-burningman. Zoeschool stuff, car fixing stuff, etc. I got most of the food already, thanks for many "2 for 1" type deals at Safeway while shopping for home food the other evening. I need to hit a fabric store, get some last minute food items, get an oil change, pack my clothes, pack toiletries, pack everything else, and pick up my ticket from nil on thursday at the DNA. Oh! Speaking of the DNA this thurs, I expect you all to be there as it is a benefit for the EFF ( and WIL WHEATON will be there!!! *WIL WHEATON*!!! How can you resist?!
As for right now, I have dishes to do, laundry to fold and a nap to take. Guess which comes first?
It will be nice to have my own space here in the house again, and someday when cj and I don't need a third roomate (someday!) it means that Evan will have a room of his own. Which will be good for him. But right now it will be better for me.
In other news, still so much to do pre-burningman. Zoeschool stuff, car fixing stuff, etc. I got most of the food already, thanks for many "2 for 1" type deals at Safeway while shopping for home food the other evening. I need to hit a fabric store, get some last minute food items, get an oil change, pack my clothes, pack toiletries, pack everything else, and pick up my ticket from nil on thursday at the DNA. Oh! Speaking of the DNA this thurs, I expect you all to be there as it is a benefit for the EFF ( and WIL WHEATON will be there!!! *WIL WHEATON*!!! How can you resist?!
As for right now, I have dishes to do, laundry to fold and a nap to take. Guess which comes first?
yeah I suck. My best friend from high school came over unexpectedly, and marc had friends from in town, and it just all went to hell.
And next week I am doing PlayaCurry. Perhaps the first week in sept!
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