Today I am sick. How sick? Bronchitis. Rapid set in, already reached the "coughing up blood and bits of my throat" phase.
I get bronchitis at the drop of a hat. It starts with a certain tightness to the chest, a wheeze in the breathing. It feels like one is walking uphill, even when the patient is sitting still. Eventually it progresses to coughing up vast quantities of disgusting fluids and whining a lot. The fluids is the part that is out of the ordinary, this particular patient also whines at the drop of a hat. Also a notable edition to this series of events is the compulsion to update online journals instead of work. Working is for non-sick people. Livejournal and Suicidegirls are for the soon to be dying bronchitis victim.
I am warming the house and making hot tea. Tea can help, because what with the fluid expellation, I will get dehydrated quickly. My normal routine of 8-10 pints of ice cubes a day drops dramatically as I also tend to run a fever and thusly get cold easier. Burning scented candles help to ease the pain of smelling nothing but blood from coughing so much. Throat drops can help, but most of the time they just make the phlegm thicker which makes the patient more grumpy and dehydrated feeling. Then the patient eats ice and gets chilly, resulting in still more grumpiness. Comfortable soft pajamas are a high priority, as is soothing music, something by Godspeed You Black Emperor! or perhaps the new Underworld. Donations of cuddling or coddling are appreciated, plz send them at once!
I get bronchitis at the drop of a hat. It starts with a certain tightness to the chest, a wheeze in the breathing. It feels like one is walking uphill, even when the patient is sitting still. Eventually it progresses to coughing up vast quantities of disgusting fluids and whining a lot. The fluids is the part that is out of the ordinary, this particular patient also whines at the drop of a hat. Also a notable edition to this series of events is the compulsion to update online journals instead of work. Working is for non-sick people. Livejournal and Suicidegirls are for the soon to be dying bronchitis victim.
I am warming the house and making hot tea. Tea can help, because what with the fluid expellation, I will get dehydrated quickly. My normal routine of 8-10 pints of ice cubes a day drops dramatically as I also tend to run a fever and thusly get cold easier. Burning scented candles help to ease the pain of smelling nothing but blood from coughing so much. Throat drops can help, but most of the time they just make the phlegm thicker which makes the patient more grumpy and dehydrated feeling. Then the patient eats ice and gets chilly, resulting in still more grumpiness. Comfortable soft pajamas are a high priority, as is soothing music, something by Godspeed You Black Emperor! or perhaps the new Underworld. Donations of cuddling or coddling are appreciated, plz send them at once!
you were looking for me at death guild? yay. i was hoping to meet someone from the site i thought it would be fun.