Well, so much for that dream. They're going to try the launch again at 4:14 Monday morning. If the weather clears, I may get lucky. Otherwise, I travelled to FL to hang out in an RV with my parents. :-/
I'm voting for the Monday morning launch.

Also, in a mixture of pagan religion and science, I'll request that the spirits of space flight intervene on your behalf.
So, what does it feel like to have your dream come true?

I'm getting on a plane in two hours to head down to Florida for the shuttle launch. Bags are packed, boarding ticket is in hand, launch tickets are in my backpack. Weather is supposed to be decent, if not a bit cool.

The launch is at 4:39 in the morning on Sunday. Because of security reasons, we have to be at Kennedy Space Center...
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*crosses fingers*

Have fun!
What's the textbook definition for insanity? Doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result.

Well call me crazy, cause I'm going to be trying to see a shuttle launch again.

I have been trying for a few years now to get down to FL and see a shuttle launch in person. Each attempt has been met with delays to the point...
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Yeah, there's 4 chinese restaurants, 2 that I actually trust. The one I go to gives you a lot of food and it's really cheap and reeeeally good. The sushi is really good. Depending on when the students are in town they either serve it every day or like Thursday and Friday or Thursday-Sunday.
Geeky is a good way to be!
So. Happy New Year, everyone!

Um...lets see. Spent the last week down at my parents, just trying to relax and forget about the mountain of work we are going to have to deal with regarding my mother in law's death. I just shudder to think about cleaning out her house. I think we're going to just have to have a big gigantic estate sale.

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Once Upon a Time in the West is pretty great, all right. Although my all-time favorite spaghetti western is still For a Few Dollars More.

Also excellent, but less well known than the Sergio Leone entries in the genre, and admittedly not quite as brilliant, are two serio-comical movies starring Terrence Hill, a.k.a. Mario Girotti -- They Call Me Trinity, and My Name is Nobody. Henry Fonda co-stars in the latter.
Home. Exhausted. Turning brain off watching Willy Wonka.

Any chance of pushing Christmas off an extra week? I could really use the extra time...
I say let's get it over with, but that's just me.
I'd rather just call it off completely
And we have now reached the point in the grieving proceedings where the siblings are at each others throats. Yay.
Mother in law passed away at 1:40 this morning. You will be missed, Fern, but now you can rest. frown
I'm very sorry to hear this. My condolences to you and to Mrs. Hentzau.
*random hugs*
Mother in Law has been moved from ICU to a regular hospital room today. Her BP is still very low, and she is still very weak. They've started talking hospice, but that may be a few days off. We are just going to have to play it day by day, see how she does.

In the meantime, we soldier on, trying to prepare for Christmas.
Yeah, one day at a time. That's how to do it.

Found out last Friday that my best friend's father passed away. He was my first scoutmaster, and was a pretty major influence on the person that I am today. I ended up finding out later in life that he was actually not a very nice guy, but I do still owe him a debt. So I am planning on going downstate to my hometown...
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Sorry to hear about your mother in law. I'll be hoping for a favorable outcome.
My house is still cold.

The installers didn't show up until 7:00 last night. I brought them down into the basement, and showed them where the furnace was, and came back upstairs. Within minutes, there is a knock on my basement door. It was the installer, wanting to know if they other installers left any other parts behind. He then proceeds to show me that...
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He's probably hiding from you.

I wonder if he would be able to provide you with a small cash settlement, to compensate you for the considerable discomfort and inconvenience that he and his company's negligence have caused you and your family. (Innocent children are involved here you know.) Just a thought.
I'm a closet narcissist. Or perhaps a car narcissist as I usually take pics of myself in my car. The lighting is GREAT! wink
I will indulge you every now and then.