Thursday Jan 09, 2003 Jan 9, 2003 0 Facebook Tweet Email traffic tickets suck! Standing in line for them sucks worse. but oh well I'm alive.. obsidian_: that sucks...i currently go to school in a town where it's all meters or reserved spaces and i sneakingly park behind a super market....hmmmm wonder when they will tow me? Jan 9, 2003 obsidian_: and your not updating your journal again...tiss tiss..the journal fairie will come and get you and snatch your livelyhood out if you don't do it.... did i mention that this faire is known for getting britteny's oops I did it again stuck in your head for all eternity.....beware! Jan 14, 2003
did i mention that this faire is known for getting britteny's oops I did it again stuck in your head for all eternity.....beware!