Welllllllll, the city is flooding... I don't have any pictures yet, but later tonight I may go for an adventure. The downtown core and it's surrounding neighbourhoods are only a few meters (or less) higher than the river. I have to laugh at the people who chose to live in the (seriously over priced) flood zone, who have also now been evacuated, but part of me wants to go help out. Maybe fill sandbags and line whatever area the city officials deem the most valuable? I dunno.. The flooding hasn't got bad yet and so I haven't heard of any relief/volunteer efforts. Ill throw down though, why not ? Do a little good somewhere...
I haven't seen that area yet! I was downtown last night and that was the first time I've been there since the flood. It was amazing to see the cleanup! So awesome to hear your helping out! I've busted my foot so I cant stand for more then ten minutes without pain which sucks because I cant help with the cleanup. But I did donate all I have to the red cross, even my money for my birthday party which was suppose to be Sunday. I also ordered some HELL OR HIGH WATER Shirts which I thought was fantastic!