Dude, the long day nap and then the night owl act is for the birds (no pun intended). I find myself stumbling around at night and stubbing my toes on shit (Its a new place and I have yet to get the lay of the land down lol)
You know those Sundays when you toss n turn so long, you're scared to look at a clock cuz' you don't wanna see how much time you are losing. Yup, that was my night lol.
I read your other blog. I'm sorry you're feeling so used and hurt. People totally suck sometimes. But at least then you know who your real friends are??
I'm sick to fucking death of being used by people. I'm done with being nice because it hasn't earned me fuck all but pain and bunch of fake ass friends. I'm in such a shitty place in life and I always try to help people even before I help my self and that too has gotten me nothing but being alone. Fuck it, I'm out... Read More
i know that feel buddy. Most (if not everyone) are takers, very few are givers. To even expect human decency is a fault on our part apparently*sarcasm*.
Message me if you feel like talking, even if a whole paragraph is along the lines of:
34fewnuidvuifewt345r3e gfwvft34g89vebrvgewtv348vmb dvfk"
It's funny. I always say that but I think it's in ones nature to still give a shit even though you've been stomped on. I'm starting to realize I need a change in my life and I need more peace and far less negative. I'd much rather know I've done my best for the people I care about than know that I was pissed at them and let them suffer. (even though I'm rageful... I'd rather be the rager than the rage-ee)
So I dunno if any friends or strangers follow my blog, but just a heads up... Tonight's blog will be alot of me bitching and ranting and just general negativity. I have alot of shit bothering me and I just want it out of my head/ off of my chest.