THEY CUT OUT THE KISS! WHAT THE HELL?! STUPID! Like that was going to make much of a difference since all the girls on stage kissed, too, at the end. So Stupid!
I am a HUGE fan of Tatu. Granted, I know there is a lot of controversy surrounding them (and no I don't just mean the whole lesbian thing). I love it that they are lesbians. Anyone else out there know of other lesbian musicians? Seriously, I want to know.
Anyway, what I meant about the controversy part is whether or Yulia and Lena are actually gay. Rumors are they aren't an item... and that it was all a show to make a smash hit. That to me is disappointing. I don't know if that is all true or not, but I do know that Yulia is bi and Lena is straight (supposedly). And Yulia had a child (by a boyfriend) so something happened there. And no they aren't together like that anymore... although they still do music together... but this all coming through the networks (after much combing through of many, many sites; I get a little obsessed at times;I go through bouts of obsession).
BUT... I still want to go see them live in concert someday. And I'm DYING to find others to go with because none of my friends are into them (or their music) and it's SO frustrating, especially since they are from Russia and last time I checked a year or two ago, they only came to California for a concert in the States... and that was it! The only state they chose! I live in NC! That's on the other side of the continent! Suckage!
I'm jealous of anyone who was able to go and went. ACK! It's like Lilith Fair to me! I didn't get to see that either ('course, I was 13 at the time but damnit I was begging to go!).
So any real die hard fans, contact me. Seriously.
i hope you get the chance someday to see them live im sure would be a great day for you 
