K... Having problems loading the rest of my pictures up here. Might have to take some more time on that another day.
I know it's September, but it doesn't exactly feel like it here. It's still in the 80's during the day although it has gotten substantially cooler at night.
I've been sick for the last 5 days with a cold and I think I'm finally shaking it, but it really kinda sucks to feel like you want to sleep all the time and really don't feel up for cooking... so I make rice and lots of it and it lasts me for days. And the dishes are all piled up in the sink... and the laundry needs to be done... and my sheets need to be changed on my bed... and I really need to take a shower... but that'll all come in time. I do little by little. Doing regular chores now seem to tire me so much more then they did before. Molly keeps me company and I'm glad to have a furry by my side (she's my family's dog).
I had a nightmare of a weekend. I tried meeting someone online through this site called fling.com. That was a BIG mistake. Not only did the guy lie to me about how he looked (the photo was fine... spare one detail left out... how 'bout 60 lbs more of it) but he wanted me to move in with him and be his girl. Uh... no. Scary. That's not the worse part though. The reason I came down there in the first place was just to meet him... and okay, he did bribe me with $200 and a new job... I should have known better, I know. He wanted me to help recruit girls to do online stripping in the basement of his house... and I said I wasn't comfortable with that. That posing for pictures is one thing... striping and prostitution is another thing. I know it sounds fairly harmless... but the more I got to know this guy, the less I liked him. He was a major clean freak for one thing... and even worse, a control freak. I don't do well with control freaks. I am a rebel and if what he wants to do doesn't go with what I want to do... then I set my own ship and paddle off. I don't want to be arguing with someone all the time over who has power over the "relationship"... whether it be personal or professional. I believe in shared power. He, apparently "did too"... his way only, that is. And I could tell that he was one of those guys who would probably be expecting sex from his clients regularly as a way of payment... and fuck that shit. I ain't no one's whore. Well, maybe not whore, but certainly not a booty call. I don't do it with just anybody and certainly NOT with someone I don't like NOR am attracted to.
So I guess my best bet would have been just to keep my mouth shut and leave... but up until he told me about the job, he seemed like such a nice guy. BIG FUCKING NO! Once I told him "this isn't going to work" and he inquired why, I said "I'm not attracted to you and I don't want to do that. I don't feel right doing that kind of work and you lied to me about how you look. I think you're a nice guy, but you need to find someone else." And then he turned all Jekyll and Hyde on me. "Well, fine then. You're not coming back to my place and you're certainly not spending the night." "It's 11o'clock at night. I'm sick. Can't I just sleep on your couch?" "Fuck no."
I'd get into more details about this, but obviously the guy was being a douche and I don't like recountering it because it makes me mad. And upset. All I can say more to this is that he called me every nasty name in the book you could think of and I got so mad that I slapped him. He was driving my car. He tried calling the police on my ass (I can tell he did this on purpose; he wanted to infuriate me so he could call and get my ass out of his house) saying "you hit me!" What an ass! He deserved so much worse! Granted, I look back on it now and I think "no police officer would take him seriously... I mean come on. It's not like I was battering the guy and he looked just fine." I prolly would have been okay... but what if, you know? You just don't know which kind of officer you are going to get or if they are going to take you seriously. But at the moment... all I could do was grab the phone from his hands and chuck it in the back seat. Kind of a funny moment at that point. He looked like "uh... what do I do now?" But then he pulled out a second phone and started recording our conversation... and that just pissed me off. Like he was trying to blackmail me... or something. I told him "YOU DON'T TALK TO ME LIKE THAT" AND "TAKE ME HOME YOU SON OF A BITCH! I JUST WANT TO GO HOME!"
I thought for sure he was just playing head games with me. For all that I know, at that moment, he could have just been driving us around in circles. He kept trying to entrap me in words for his recorder and I told him he was an awful waste for a human being. When it looked like he was having fun, grinning and shit, I pulled the wheel my way. I was ready for an accident. I would have taken him with me. I was beyond pissed. I was ready to kill the mother fucker. Or scare him enough to do what I want anyway. Which apparently worked. Took us straight back to his house. He kept telling me to "shut the fuck up" and all I could say was "I'll shut the fuck up once we're in the house you dipshit! You can't tell me what to do, you control freak! Go suck on it!" He called me psycho and all... well, like I care what he thinks. What kind of person decides to kick another out of their house just because they don't do what you want them to do?! Especially one who is sick, has a dog, and you know has limited funds to get home. What an ass! He could have at least been mature about it and said "okay. Well we had fun anyway. Good luck to you. Bye." What is so bad about having me spend one more night when I didn't do anything wrong to him... and had been perfectly nice up until he threatened to have my ass hauled off by the cops. What a brat!
I did drive back home that night... with Molly in tow with me... but I was glad to at least get some revenge back on him. I hit him some more once we got inside the house, packed my shit up, chucked the dog food in his sink (the kind he wailed on about "who warms up dog food in their microwave?! nasty!") sat in my car... and just cried. He called me a thief when I took my medicine with me (which, btw, he bought it for me; he knew I couldn't afford it!). He laughed at me the whole time up until I guess I bored him, when I just sat in my car and cried
. Not for long though... for all that I know, that phone call he was making was probably to his bank saying his card was compromised b/c I took my meds and he didn't want to pay for them anymore. Yeah.
I'm just glad to know I made him sick. Fucker deserves worse, that shitter. You don't treat a lady like that!
So I don't think I'll be on those stupid websites for a while. I've just about lost all sexual appetite since this ordeal. I'm going to take a long break from guys... so in case you're wondering why I'm so cynical... well, this is just an example of why.
I'm never doing that again. Ever.
I know it's September, but it doesn't exactly feel like it here. It's still in the 80's during the day although it has gotten substantially cooler at night.
I've been sick for the last 5 days with a cold and I think I'm finally shaking it, but it really kinda sucks to feel like you want to sleep all the time and really don't feel up for cooking... so I make rice and lots of it and it lasts me for days. And the dishes are all piled up in the sink... and the laundry needs to be done... and my sheets need to be changed on my bed... and I really need to take a shower... but that'll all come in time. I do little by little. Doing regular chores now seem to tire me so much more then they did before. Molly keeps me company and I'm glad to have a furry by my side (she's my family's dog).
I had a nightmare of a weekend. I tried meeting someone online through this site called fling.com. That was a BIG mistake. Not only did the guy lie to me about how he looked (the photo was fine... spare one detail left out... how 'bout 60 lbs more of it) but he wanted me to move in with him and be his girl. Uh... no. Scary. That's not the worse part though. The reason I came down there in the first place was just to meet him... and okay, he did bribe me with $200 and a new job... I should have known better, I know. He wanted me to help recruit girls to do online stripping in the basement of his house... and I said I wasn't comfortable with that. That posing for pictures is one thing... striping and prostitution is another thing. I know it sounds fairly harmless... but the more I got to know this guy, the less I liked him. He was a major clean freak for one thing... and even worse, a control freak. I don't do well with control freaks. I am a rebel and if what he wants to do doesn't go with what I want to do... then I set my own ship and paddle off. I don't want to be arguing with someone all the time over who has power over the "relationship"... whether it be personal or professional. I believe in shared power. He, apparently "did too"... his way only, that is. And I could tell that he was one of those guys who would probably be expecting sex from his clients regularly as a way of payment... and fuck that shit. I ain't no one's whore. Well, maybe not whore, but certainly not a booty call. I don't do it with just anybody and certainly NOT with someone I don't like NOR am attracted to.
So I guess my best bet would have been just to keep my mouth shut and leave... but up until he told me about the job, he seemed like such a nice guy. BIG FUCKING NO! Once I told him "this isn't going to work" and he inquired why, I said "I'm not attracted to you and I don't want to do that. I don't feel right doing that kind of work and you lied to me about how you look. I think you're a nice guy, but you need to find someone else." And then he turned all Jekyll and Hyde on me. "Well, fine then. You're not coming back to my place and you're certainly not spending the night." "It's 11o'clock at night. I'm sick. Can't I just sleep on your couch?" "Fuck no."

I'd get into more details about this, but obviously the guy was being a douche and I don't like recountering it because it makes me mad. And upset. All I can say more to this is that he called me every nasty name in the book you could think of and I got so mad that I slapped him. He was driving my car. He tried calling the police on my ass (I can tell he did this on purpose; he wanted to infuriate me so he could call and get my ass out of his house) saying "you hit me!" What an ass! He deserved so much worse! Granted, I look back on it now and I think "no police officer would take him seriously... I mean come on. It's not like I was battering the guy and he looked just fine." I prolly would have been okay... but what if, you know? You just don't know which kind of officer you are going to get or if they are going to take you seriously. But at the moment... all I could do was grab the phone from his hands and chuck it in the back seat. Kind of a funny moment at that point. He looked like "uh... what do I do now?" But then he pulled out a second phone and started recording our conversation... and that just pissed me off. Like he was trying to blackmail me... or something. I told him "YOU DON'T TALK TO ME LIKE THAT" AND "TAKE ME HOME YOU SON OF A BITCH! I JUST WANT TO GO HOME!"
I thought for sure he was just playing head games with me. For all that I know, at that moment, he could have just been driving us around in circles. He kept trying to entrap me in words for his recorder and I told him he was an awful waste for a human being. When it looked like he was having fun, grinning and shit, I pulled the wheel my way. I was ready for an accident. I would have taken him with me. I was beyond pissed. I was ready to kill the mother fucker. Or scare him enough to do what I want anyway. Which apparently worked. Took us straight back to his house. He kept telling me to "shut the fuck up" and all I could say was "I'll shut the fuck up once we're in the house you dipshit! You can't tell me what to do, you control freak! Go suck on it!" He called me psycho and all... well, like I care what he thinks. What kind of person decides to kick another out of their house just because they don't do what you want them to do?! Especially one who is sick, has a dog, and you know has limited funds to get home. What an ass! He could have at least been mature about it and said "okay. Well we had fun anyway. Good luck to you. Bye." What is so bad about having me spend one more night when I didn't do anything wrong to him... and had been perfectly nice up until he threatened to have my ass hauled off by the cops. What a brat!
I did drive back home that night... with Molly in tow with me... but I was glad to at least get some revenge back on him. I hit him some more once we got inside the house, packed my shit up, chucked the dog food in his sink (the kind he wailed on about "who warms up dog food in their microwave?! nasty!") sat in my car... and just cried. He called me a thief when I took my medicine with me (which, btw, he bought it for me; he knew I couldn't afford it!). He laughed at me the whole time up until I guess I bored him, when I just sat in my car and cried

I'm just glad to know I made him sick. Fucker deserves worse, that shitter. You don't treat a lady like that!

So I don't think I'll be on those stupid websites for a while. I've just about lost all sexual appetite since this ordeal. I'm going to take a long break from guys... so in case you're wondering why I'm so cynical... well, this is just an example of why.
I'm never doing that again. Ever.