Henjin0's Electric Movie Review Blog presents....
Electric Dragon 80,000V 2001
Zapped by electricity as a child, Dragon Eye Morrison (Tadanobu Asano) is now a human capacitator. He spends the days as a Reptile Investigator (cold blooded pet detective) and nights strapped to his bed. When the power builds up he discharges through his electric guitar. Thunderbolt Buddha is a power contractor by day and a contract killer by night. A high voltage encounter is inevitable....there can be only one!
Try and comprehend this as a feature film and your mind will fry. Sit back and take it in as a 55 minute rock video.....what a rush.
Electric Dragon 80,000V 2001
Zapped by electricity as a child, Dragon Eye Morrison (Tadanobu Asano) is now a human capacitator. He spends the days as a Reptile Investigator (cold blooded pet detective) and nights strapped to his bed. When the power builds up he discharges through his electric guitar. Thunderbolt Buddha is a power contractor by day and a contract killer by night. A high voltage encounter is inevitable....there can be only one!
Try and comprehend this as a feature film and your mind will fry. Sit back and take it in as a 55 minute rock video.....what a rush.

Thanks for the nice comment on my set 

Thank you for the sweet comment on my set, doll!