Henjin0's movie review blog
I need to get a life. I'm spending way too much time on this..
As promised.... Once Upon a Time in China II 1992
Sifu Wong Fei-Hung is once again minding his own business, giving a lecture on acupuncture in the city of Canton. When the White Lotus Society, a wacko, anti-foriegners cult, decides to trash the place. You'd think they'd put plans to assualt school children on hold until any Kung Fu masters were out of town...but did I mention they're wacko? Some incredible pole fights between Li and Donnie Yen. Relies more acrobatics and wire tricks than the stellar Kung Fu of the first film. Like me and need a steady diet of Wu-Shu, this'll get you through the day
Now somebody get me out of the house...
I need to get a life. I'm spending way too much time on this..
As promised.... Once Upon a Time in China II 1992
Sifu Wong Fei-Hung is once again minding his own business, giving a lecture on acupuncture in the city of Canton. When the White Lotus Society, a wacko, anti-foriegners cult, decides to trash the place. You'd think they'd put plans to assualt school children on hold until any Kung Fu masters were out of town...but did I mention they're wacko? Some incredible pole fights between Li and Donnie Yen. Relies more acrobatics and wire tricks than the stellar Kung Fu of the first film. Like me and need a steady diet of Wu-Shu, this'll get you through the day

Now somebody get me out of the house...
When you and wifey decide to come in, email Danielle and myself a week before-hand, so we make sure to work that weekend (instead of chickening out).
OH well, at least you'll be able to come see us.
Our VIPs are definitely the way to go, even if there' expensive: MEMORY FOAM BEDS. Oh yeah.