I've come to the realization I have nothing profound to say in this blog and no one is likely to notice if I did. So until further notice this is now Henjin0's Film Review Blog. Where I will write a incoherent review of my recent viewings, which I recomend you disreguard as nonsense and see or avoid the film as you please.
and so..........."The Ghost of Mae Nak" www.maenak.com/
A Thai horror film about a traditional Thai ghost story directed by an Enlish man. Mae Nak is a woman who was seperated from her true love and haunts the world of the living in search of a new love. Meanwhile, Mak and Nak are newly weds who are the victims of a rash of misfortune. Mak headbutts a van and moves into the hospital with a coma. Nak has to find a way to satisfy Mae Nak to save Mak. It's fairly predictable and thus not scary. Some memorable scenes: a fairly intense seance that would have been better earlier in the film, and a dude gets sliced in half by a falling pane of glass, splitting apart, guts flopping everywhere.
Moral of the film--don't let westerners direct Asian films
and so..........."The Ghost of Mae Nak" www.maenak.com/
A Thai horror film about a traditional Thai ghost story directed by an Enlish man. Mae Nak is a woman who was seperated from her true love and haunts the world of the living in search of a new love. Meanwhile, Mak and Nak are newly weds who are the victims of a rash of misfortune. Mak headbutts a van and moves into the hospital with a coma. Nak has to find a way to satisfy Mae Nak to save Mak. It's fairly predictable and thus not scary. Some memorable scenes: a fairly intense seance that would have been better earlier in the film, and a dude gets sliced in half by a falling pane of glass, splitting apart, guts flopping everywhere.
Moral of the film--don't let westerners direct Asian films

Ouzo is a killer, no doubt. More movie reviews!
Thanx for the set comments!