Hello everyone! Some time ago I've posted some of my drawings here and I'm never sure if you would like so I doubt about continuous or not showing you my art but...I think I have!
Everyone have lot of talents, not just one, and we have to appreciatte it and support them, more when it is something so cultural and artistic 💗✨
You would know also that I'm a rol player girl 🎲 (I love throw my 20s dice and wait for the result), so I draw a lot about my OCs (original characters) and my adventures there with them.
I would like to show you more about my drawings, my games and my stories, so I would like to know your too if you have.
I start here talking you about Fairy. She is a tan girl, with natural blond hair and purple eyes, she is so beautiful and she is a sniper. She works for an organization that wants to fight against a militar system that rules the world with violence and corruption. She discovered recently that she have a power inside because she is a princess of a royal family. I don't know what destiny will have prepare to hair right know, this news were a shock to her (and to me hahaha).
In this drawing she is with her cousin, showing their eye power with a divine and epic style. I hope you like it!! 🔥🌟💗☺️
Now...your turn!
Have you ever played rol games? Which one? Have you some drawing or reference about your character? and...just tell me your story! ☺️💜