I belive Heisenberg said it best:
"What we observe is not nature itself, but
nature exposed to our method of questioning."
even after the exchange of millions of
emotions, communication between two minds,
still seems to flounder....... yet a sound so
emotive, it can amplify the feelings of millions of
people, to have a common true thought............
for this sound.... i thank you Bjrk
"What we observe is not nature itself, but
nature exposed to our method of questioning."
even after the exchange of millions of
emotions, communication between two minds,
still seems to flounder....... yet a sound so
emotive, it can amplify the feelings of millions of
people, to have a common true thought............
for this sound.... i thank you Bjrk
i got my pally to 40! woot for mount! i am so happy about that! it makes life so much easier on that infernal game.