got my car!
yeaaaaaahhhhhh boy. smile
i don't know where i'll go
with these holes in my feet.

before being born,
wet and warm,
wilting into morning,
a mess
of death.
carbon, dirt,
and carb holes,
my thumb,
a thread of breath,

your free flits,
and i meant to be.
you sluggish in the sun,
the burrow of your hip
bones, home to my

mother worth,
her tight stretched...
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I know! Turtles and boobies make a great set! biggrin
everywhere you go
you slough yourself aside:
skin cells and hair trails.
you. were. here.

i am here to hold the heap
of you, to pile sheets of:
fingerprints, footsteps,
touch and taste and hints of sound,
light left over,
solar somehow,
reaching me just now.

i won't know as you go.
i will only see grains of light as you
collapsed and...
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I just saw the picture of you in what looks like a baja (the jacket thingy in your third profile pic.). I too wear a baja.biggrin Mine is green and yellow though. Oh, and I like your set: Belly of the Sun. Best of luck!
My doesn't have a smell. it only smells kinda like a campfire. When my friend would wear it, it would always smell bad, but i've washed it enough to get that icky smell out. biggrin