Total burnout mode.
I feel like Italy, 1999,
before grabbing a backpack and heading wherever.
I feel and probably want to feel
that I am so fed up with everything
that anything is possible now.
I need to get out of here.
I should not lose this energy
and let it melt once more
in the reassuring and smothering routine of habit,
as soon as my current anger fades.
On a lighter note, health seems to be improving,
thanks to the good ideas of a cute doctor girl.
I guess I am only looking for something in life
that could prove me
that I am not the only specimen produced of this model.
Such naive drama at my age
can't be classified as temporary immaturity anymore, unfortunately.
If left untreated,
this kind of stuff kills.
I feel like Italy, 1999,
before grabbing a backpack and heading wherever.
I feel and probably want to feel
that I am so fed up with everything
that anything is possible now.
I need to get out of here.
I should not lose this energy
and let it melt once more
in the reassuring and smothering routine of habit,
as soon as my current anger fades.
On a lighter note, health seems to be improving,
thanks to the good ideas of a cute doctor girl.
I guess I am only looking for something in life
that could prove me
that I am not the only specimen produced of this model.
Such naive drama at my age
can't be classified as temporary immaturity anymore, unfortunately.
If left untreated,
this kind of stuff kills.
On a brighter note: hurray for cute doctor girls.