This morning was beautiful, clear skies, 65 degrees F. Took the motorcycle out for a ride and noticed there was no one with their arms around me...

Started to think about where I am now. Am I happy with my life, where I live, my friends, etc... I could not answer these definitevely.

Turning 31 in a couple of weeks, I should know the answers...
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What program are you using for your posters!!!!

They are funny as hell!

maybe a Devil in Ms.Jones?
biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin to the movie poster!

xoxo zoe xoxo
surreal surreal surreal
The day after Valentine's Day. I have made a decision. No more chasing after women who are unavailable.

It is time that I stepped to the plate a took a chance instead of just swinging at the air knowing the pitch is never coming.

They say a hall of fame baseball player hits 0.300 so I figure if I can make it work with 1...
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I dream in Spanish but never Russian. I also talk to myself almost exclusively in Spanish.
usual suspects is an awesome movie. i need to watch it again soon.
you should try out ffxi. i love it to pieces.
It is Saturday, Valentines Day, and the woman I want in my life is spending it with someone else...

Isn't that the way it always works out, at least it is for me. I seem to always find myself most attracted to someone that I cannot have. It is probably a self destructive trait of mine. If I cannot have her, then she really cannot...
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Still no comments... Though I know that most people on SG are busy looking at all of the beautiful women on here.

Work has been sort of slow this week, just trying to prepare for training tests the next three weeks. I am not a big fan of training.

Hoping the weather will be better this weekend so I can hit to road on the...
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Those are beautiful pictures that you submitted in the photography group! shocked biggrin
Yea! A small-boobie lover! kiss kiss kiss
Welcome every one to my journal. The first post will be public, however, the second one will be private with my web address, etc.

I came across this site and was hooked from day one.

As you can see from my profile I have no tats or piercings. However, I am extremely attracted to women who do!

Birmingham is not the hot spot for meeting...
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