So I applied for a FULL TIME position at Best Buy. Back office lead.
Got a call back for an interview.
Woke up, rushed around, got ready...could not find a suitable dress shirt, so I bought a new one.
Drive 25 minutes to the interview...sit there for 25 minutes (I was on time) waiting for the assistant managers.
Finally they come and apologize for making me wait. They start the interview by asking me about my work experience. I give them my resume and walk them through it...then one of them informs me the FULL TIME position I applied for was no longer full time...
When the person called to schedule my interview the night before...they asked if I wanted full or part time. I said full. They couldn't have fucking told me that BEFORE I wasted my time and gas driving down there for LITERALLY a 2 minute "interview"?
The search continues....especially now that I have been cut down to 32 hours.
It really feels like my boss wants to get rid of me, but he can't find a reason to fire me...and he knows if he does, he's done. We have not had a cash deposit in over a year because it all goes in his pocket, and if he fires me...the IRS is finding that one out. Bet your ass.
So he cuts my hours...knowing my reaction is going to be to leave (not that I have not been trying anyway)
Fuck him. He really is the most useless human being I have ever met.
Got a call back for an interview.
Woke up, rushed around, got ready...could not find a suitable dress shirt, so I bought a new one.
Drive 25 minutes to the interview...sit there for 25 minutes (I was on time) waiting for the assistant managers.
Finally they come and apologize for making me wait. They start the interview by asking me about my work experience. I give them my resume and walk them through it...then one of them informs me the FULL TIME position I applied for was no longer full time...
When the person called to schedule my interview the night before...they asked if I wanted full or part time. I said full. They couldn't have fucking told me that BEFORE I wasted my time and gas driving down there for LITERALLY a 2 minute "interview"?
The search continues....especially now that I have been cut down to 32 hours.
It really feels like my boss wants to get rid of me, but he can't find a reason to fire me...and he knows if he does, he's done. We have not had a cash deposit in over a year because it all goes in his pocket, and if he fires me...the IRS is finding that one out. Bet your ass.
So he cuts my hours...knowing my reaction is going to be to leave (not that I have not been trying anyway)
Fuck him. He really is the most useless human being I have ever met.
Spice things up - report the behavior BEFORE you get fired. 

I'm with ArtfulOdin on this one. Report him now, because if it comes out after he acts against you, then it has a lesser chance of being taken seriously. If he takes the fall now, you gamble with possibly ending up with a better boss, a boss who might recognize your worth.