I'm a little blue right now. Had a real quiet weekend. Now I love a quiet weekend as much as the next guy or girl but lately is seems to be all I have. My social life has really dried up lately. I've had to cancel a few things this month due to lack of funds. It's been getting me down.
I guess there's a few good reasons though. I've got no money after my car trouble, I've been ill for the last 3 weeks and the Winter weather probably doesn't help. Also, being pretty much the only single person I know is a bit shit. Not that I'd mind being single but when everyone you know is in a relationship it's kinda pooey. I gots no wingman to go out with.
Drawing's been a struggle lately. I've got plenty of time but when you've got the blues creativity just doesn't come easy. It's really weird how easy it comes when you're in a good mood and how difficult it is when you're in a bad one.
I need a change. New horizons. Still looking for work and I'm hoping a new job will be what I need. I've just joined a volunteering site thingy now too. I work part-time so maybe doing a couple of days voluntary work will be a boost of confidence for me. Fuck knows I need one. Hopefully it'll be good way of networking and meeting new people. You never know it might even lead to a job or something.
I know I've gotta get off my ass and get in gear. You've gotta go out and push yourself. I've been doing too much moping. Good stuff doesn't just land at your doorstep no matter how much you try and will it to. You've gotta go out and find it. This is what I suck at.
Y'know I actually feel a better after writing that now. I guess sometimes I just need to writs shit out to get it out of my system. It just whirls 'round me brain otherwise.
I found this thing on my Mac I'd never noticed before. You can do a multiple photo thing:
I decided to take it whilst air drumming. Air drumming is totally better than air guitar.
Here's the king of air drumming:
Anybody see The trip with Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon? It took me a while to figure out what the show was about, but once I got it I really enjoyed it. The banter between these guys is pretty funny:
No art today cos I can't be bothered.
Right I'm off the watch the X-factor results and stuff my face with M&Ms. Peace out.
I guess there's a few good reasons though. I've got no money after my car trouble, I've been ill for the last 3 weeks and the Winter weather probably doesn't help. Also, being pretty much the only single person I know is a bit shit. Not that I'd mind being single but when everyone you know is in a relationship it's kinda pooey. I gots no wingman to go out with.
Drawing's been a struggle lately. I've got plenty of time but when you've got the blues creativity just doesn't come easy. It's really weird how easy it comes when you're in a good mood and how difficult it is when you're in a bad one.
I need a change. New horizons. Still looking for work and I'm hoping a new job will be what I need. I've just joined a volunteering site thingy now too. I work part-time so maybe doing a couple of days voluntary work will be a boost of confidence for me. Fuck knows I need one. Hopefully it'll be good way of networking and meeting new people. You never know it might even lead to a job or something.
I know I've gotta get off my ass and get in gear. You've gotta go out and push yourself. I've been doing too much moping. Good stuff doesn't just land at your doorstep no matter how much you try and will it to. You've gotta go out and find it. This is what I suck at.
Y'know I actually feel a better after writing that now. I guess sometimes I just need to writs shit out to get it out of my system. It just whirls 'round me brain otherwise.
I found this thing on my Mac I'd never noticed before. You can do a multiple photo thing:

I decided to take it whilst air drumming. Air drumming is totally better than air guitar.
Here's the king of air drumming:
Anybody see The trip with Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon? It took me a while to figure out what the show was about, but once I got it I really enjoyed it. The banter between these guys is pretty funny:
No art today cos I can't be bothered.
Right I'm off the watch the X-factor results and stuff my face with M&Ms. Peace out.
I can seriously empathise with a lot of what you said, it's very much like my own situation. Knowing you're not going to be seeing anybody socially for the next week or two weeks or however long is a really debillitating situation to be in, it can warp your perception and make you end up resenting your friends for being busy or make you think they don't care.
I tend to get in a really bad downer with the onset of Winter, everyone wants to just stay in with their significant other and avoid the gloom and cold and if you don't have a significant other it's a bad time and leads to far too much time reflecting and dwelling on things.