aaargh I hate revision! I have a complete lack of motivation. Thankfully have 3 days til my first exam, plenty time for cramming, which allows what I feel is a well deserved night off tonight, sitting on my arse eating chicken wings and watching a DVD. Not the most exciting thing I know, but anything to take my mind of Construction Planning and River and Coastal Engineering.
I hope everyone had a great old years night, and I wish you all the best for the year. Mine was pretty good...quiet piss up at a mates flat, and headed into town for the bells. could have been oh so much more eventfull had I realised my psycho ex had come to my house on new years eve! Thankfully...or maybe not as it resulted in my getting a lot of shit off him... he saw me get into a taxi with a friends boyfriend, assumed I had a new fella and was so distraught he left. Only to give me a hard time about it earlier this week. Man I know how to pick em!
I hope everyone had a great old years night, and I wish you all the best for the year. Mine was pretty good...quiet piss up at a mates flat, and headed into town for the bells. could have been oh so much more eventfull had I realised my psycho ex had come to my house on new years eve! Thankfully...or maybe not as it resulted in my getting a lot of shit off him... he saw me get into a taxi with a friends boyfriend, assumed I had a new fella and was so distraught he left. Only to give me a hard time about it earlier this week. Man I know how to pick em!
There's nothing like a psycho ex to brighten up New Year's! I have suffered them and have been one myself, and it's never boring. Good luck with your exams - remember, the best part about exams is, unlike the classes themselves, the damned things are over with quickly!
aint that the truth!!1lol ex's suck