Saw a great programme last night on Burlesque classes. I wish they did them up here in the North! I can't see why some women have such low self esteem. Do they make themselves like that, or is it the fault of men? It's just ridiculous. I know some girls who will turn the lights out before getting undressed in front of their partners and some of these women wouldn't even be seen in their bras by the other women there because they were so uncomfortable about themselves. It's so sad that people are like that. Yeah a couple of the girls were big-ish (but not huge). I felt so good for them when they had done their burlesque show. They were buzzing. And rightly so, they looked great. Those old fashioned pin ups should be brought back. They promote a much better image for young women then the twiggy models and the girls from Playboy.
I also like the whole difference between being pretty and being sexy. I've always said I'd prefer to be sexy than anything else. Sexy isn't just about how you look, it's a certain presence some women, and men just well have. And its not always your conventionally attractive people who have this quality, I know a few guys who aren't the best looking but just ooze sexyness. I love it! Hehe
Last week at uni before the easter break. Time is flying by! Got nothing done yesterday, and I have about 6 pieces of coursework to do over the holidays, which sucks. Went out on Monday night with the company who sponsor me. I'm so lucky to get sponsorship off them! Was just sitting watching TV at 5pm on Monday when my boss rang to say that a few of them were on a course here and asked me and my mate (who is also sponsored by them) if we want to come along to join them all for dinner at the hotel! Free food and a free bar, how could I refuse! It's so nice to feel so valued in such a big company which I'm so new to. Saw a couple of the people I worked with last summer, and it was great to catch up with them, as I'll probably be on a different site this summer so wont see them.